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Assam News letter August 2005

by 위디국제선교회 2009. 4. 14.

2005-09-23 06:19:26 194 : 10  




Greetings and love in Christ from Nagaland. 

I was appointed
as India Missions Association(IMA) Representative for
North East India. IMA is now the biggest Missions
Association in the world having 199 Member Missions
and still more applications received for membership.I
am sending here Assam News Letter for your prayer
support.Please pray for Assam.
Sincerely in Christ,
Hevukhu Achumi


Greetings  in Christ from Assam mission field. Our God
is good and so gracious to us and working many good
things in our field in Hindu villages of Assam.
Recently I came back from Assam뭩 visit. I visited
churches and encouraged them to be more stronger in
the Lord and be active witnesses to the unreached in
their own villages. The Lord helped to visit two Hindu
villages  and witnessed to them. There was opposition
in Village but other village we visited was so good
and planted church. They are:


This is a strong Hindu village but I went with the
team and witnessed to them. There were opposition but
by God뭩 grace there was physical attack and the Lord
spoke to few of them as I witnessed to them. Three of
them of them accepted the Lord and were baptized and
now we have started fellowship with the three new
believers here. Mr. Sonathan Kolita is the leader of
the fellowship. He was beaten black and blue by the
villagers(Hindus) after his baptism and now he is
outcaste  in his village. The village authority has
passed resolutions to remove all the rights and
privileges in his own village because of his faith in
Christ. No body in the village is allowed to visit his
house and he is not allowed to visit any family of the
village. Yet Sonathan is very strong in his faith and
could stand in the midst of persecutions. Please pray
for Sonathan and Bhagdubha village.


Alokjari is a Boro tribe village having 200 Hindu
families. We spent two days in this village but God
was with us and there was no opposition. On second day
fourteen (14) accepted the Lord and were baptized. We
have planted a church in this village and church
construction is on now and I am praying to dedicate
this church in November. Many people came and listened
us and many of them said we will become Christians but
they asked me to wait some more days to understand
more. We are praying that the Lord will speak to all
200 Hindu families in this village. Please pray for
this Alokjari Village and ask God to give us the whole
200 families within few years  and I believe it is
possible with the power of the Lord.


From January to August there were  69  (sixty nine)
new water baptism (new believers). They were all
Hindus and the Lord spoke to them and now they came to
the Light of Jesus Christ. There are some more people
who have decided to take water baptism but waiting for
some days. Some of them are because of the opposition
in their families and in their villages. Please pray
for those who have accepted Christ and waiting for
water baptism  that they may not be discouraged by the


Chizami Baptist Church invited me for revival meeting.
Chizami is Chakhesang tribe in Nagaland and the
membership of the Church is 2000 without  children. I
preached five times and the Holy Spirit touched many
people. The great outpouring of the Holy Spirit came
down on Saturday and Sunday nights. People could not
stop dancing and praying and many were blessed and
also many healing took place.  The last part of
September and October I have four revival meetings-
two in Sumi (my tribe)Churches, one in Nepali Church
and one in Arunachal Pradesh our neighboring state.
Please pray for all these meetings as I need more
power for helping His people.

The constructions of the training center is on full
swing and praying for God뭩 speed. The foundations
work is completed and the work is more speed after
foundations. It is interesting to see the progress of
the construction works and thanking God daily. Please
pray for this constructions till the completion of the
total project.
Sincertely in Christ,
Hevukhu Achumi